Engagements and Keynotes
“The two days we had with Kimberly Mitchell were two of the most important formal professional learning days I have had in years.”
Timothy Hatcher, The International School of Kinshasa
Please contact Kimberly directly to arrange a workshop or speaking engagement: 01-206-434-8274 or Kimberly@inquirypartners.com
Keynote: Busting The Persistent Myths of Inquiry (2025) Oberoi International School, Mumbai, India
Experience Inquiry / La Experiencia de la Indagación (2025) Spear Center, International School Portland, Oregon
The Inquiry Educator Summit (2024) Workshop through Toddle Education
Festival of Learning, Manila, Philippines (2023) A three-day series of interactive workshops on inquiry for teachers, parents and students
Chapters International, Suzhou, China (2023) Philosophical Thinking in the Middle and High School Classroom at Suzhou Singapore International School
The Inquiry Five, Knowledge Source Institute, Bangkok and Singapore (2023) with Namu Kulkarni
Learning Pioneers Masterclass (2023) An Introduction to Philosophy
Reflective Inquiry, IPS Hilversum, The Netherlands (2023) Final reflective activities to culminate a year-long investigation of inquiry practices
La Experiencia de la Indagación Book Launch, International School of Portland (2023) with Paola Gagliardo
Kaleidoscope of Inquiry, Vancouver, B.C. Canada (2023) Philosophical Thinking in the Classroom and Powerful Conversation Routines for Secondary Classrooms
Unidad Educativa La Salle, Quito, Ecuador (2023) La Experiencia de la Indagación with Paola Gagliardo
International School of Manila, Philippines (2023) Refining and Redefining Inquiry After the Pandemic
Crafting Inquiry, The Spear Center for Excellence in Teaching, Portland, Oregon (2022) with Kath Murdoch, Trevor MacKenzie and Stephanie Harvey
EARCOS Event at IGB International School, Malaysia (2022) Inquiry Beliefs, Routines, and Experiences
IPS Hilversum, Netherlands (2022-23) Faculty inquiry workshops and ongoing support
IBO Global Conference, San Diego (2022) Plenary panelist and presenter “Mitigating Learning Loss through Inquiry”
Saint George School, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (2022-23) A year-long series of all-faculty inquiry workshops
Chapters International (2022) “Middle & High School Inquiry”
The Inquiry Educators Summit (TIES 2022 Keynote) “Leading Inquiry Schoolwide”
Building a Culture of Inquiry (2021) with Kath Murdoch and Trevor MacKenzie
Chapters International (2021) SEL Skills for Adults
IES Global (2021) Keynote presentation: “Creative Destruction”
Fireside Chat with TeachFX (2021) “Measuring Success with The Inquiry Five”
Toddle Master Class (2021) “Creative Destruction”
ISTE (NE) Teacher Summit (2021) Webinar: “Five Key Strategies for Implementing Inquiry Online”
PYP Leaders Bootcamp, Toddle (2020) Keynote presentation “Leading Inquiry In Uncertain Times”
Crafting Inquiry (2020) with Kath Murdoch and Stephanie Harvey, International School of Portland
Inquiry by the Fire (2020) An ongoing conversation and webinar with Kath Murdoch and Trevor MacKenzie
Madison School Mérida, México (2020) Inquiry workshop for K-12 teachers; using “Experience Inquiry”
The American School of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (2020) Two-day workshop for PYP faculty on inquiry-based instruction
Seattle Country Day School, Washington (2019 and 2020) Whole faculty workshop on What’s New and Exciting in Inquiry-based Learning
International School of Luxembourg (2019) Co-presented Powering Up Learning through Inquiry alongside Kath Murdoch and Trevor Mackenzie through Chapters International
University of Washington (2019) Presented an Edu-Talk on Play through the College of Education
The Community School, Sun Valley, Idaho (2019) Facilitated MS curricular review process and provided leadership coaching
NW Association of Independent Schools (2019) Featured presentations “Engaging Students through Inquiry” hosted at Annie Wright School
The Bush School, Washington (2019-20) Coaching K-12 teachers and administrative teams to lead adult learning experiences from Experience Inquiry
Keppel Union School District, California (2019) Introduced Experience Inquiry to all teachers in the school district through an interactive workshop
Giddens School, Washington (2018) Supporting a Professional Learning Community over the 2018-19 school year, focused on implementing inquiry-based instructional practices using Experience Inquiry as a guide
International School of Phnom Penh, Cambodia (2018) Led a two-day workshop for faculty on implementing inquiry-based instruction at the Elementary level
St. Thomas School, Medina, Washington (2018) Led a two-day full-faculty workshop to support the launch of inquiry-focused year-long Learning Communities
Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (2018) Lead facilitator, Guiding Student Inquiry: Inquiry-based Instruction for Title II statewide summer teacher conference at Seattle Pacific and Gongaza Universities
Liberating Structures for Educators (2018) One-day full immersion workshop for non-profit and for-profit learning facilitators at the University of Washington
University of Washington Symposium for Teaching and Learning (2018) Selected to present research on "Student-Led, Lecture-Free" undergraduate classrooms
Washington State Gifted & Talented Conference (2018) Annual conference lead presenter on Experience Inquiry
Northwest Association of Independent Schools (2017) Annual conference presenter Inquiry: What Does It Look Like? and a one-day inquiry immersion workshop at The Bush School
Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (2017) Lead presenter, Creating Dynamic and Engaging Classrooms and Inquiry-based Instruction for Title II statewide summer teacher conference at Seattle Pacific and Gongaza Universities
Queen Margaret School, British Columbia, Canada (2016) One-day workshop for independent school teachers on Creating Engaging Classrooms through Inquiry
University Child Development School (UCDS), Washington (2016-17) Ongoing contract to help research and develop the College of School Culture, a lab-based Masters in Teaching and School Leadership program